Monday, October 17, 2011

Catnip Toy GIVEAWAY Winners!

I should have known that it was going to be hard to pick only 1 winner a day for my Catnip Toy Giveaway in honor of National Feral Cat Day. I put all of the names in a bowl and tried to pick a daily winner, but I started to feel bad for all of the others who entered my giveaway and didn't win. ALL kitties deserve fun toys to play with, don't you think?!?

So guess what...

If you entered my giveaway... you are a WINNER!!!

I will be sending out emails today to all of the winners, requesting mailing addresses and color preferences of toys. If you entered my giveaway, but for some reason do not get a message from me, it is because I can't find a way to contact you. If this happens please message me on here, or email me at with your mailing address. I will be shipping all toys out this week, but bare with me because I have allot of toys to make and ship, which is a good thing. :)

I would love to see pictures of your feline friends playing with their new toys, so please send some to me and I'll post them on my blog and link to your sites.

If you didn't get a chance to enter my giveaway but would still like a catnip toy of your own, you can find them in my etsy store here.



  1. Yay, I'm so excited! Sophie will have so much fun with this toy. I'll have to try to catch her playing with it. She usually waits while we're asleep at night & then leaves the toys in our doorway for us. :)

  2. This is really generous of you! I hope something equally nice happens to you toot sweet!

  3. That's SO nice of you! I'm sure my kitties will have a blast with it!
